Friday, November 12, 2010

Miscellaneous Rehab

Pictures coming soon

Foam Rolling

See our You Tube video

Control Exercises


Single leg squat on step

T stretch

T stretch with bent knee

T stretch progression

Band side squats

Band side walking


Lunge onto wobble cushion

Any exercise holds an element of risk if undertaken without supervision. These exercises are recommendations only and are performed at your own risk. If you feel any discomfort or pain during exercise, stop immediately

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Core Stability Exercises


Bridging with leg lift

Bridging on Swiss Ball

Bridging on Swiss Ball with leg lift

Clam Stage 1 (gluts)

Clam Stage 2

Clam Stage 3

Clam Stage 4

Hamstring curl on ball

Hamstring curl on ball with leg lift

Pelvic control position (neutral)

Plank from knees

Plank from toes

Side plank from knees

Side plank

Superman with leg lift

Superman with arm and leg

Windmill (can be combined with press up)

Any exercise holds an element of risk if undertaken without supervision. These exercises are recommendations only and are performed at your own risk. If you feel any discomfort or pain during exercise, stop immediately

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Gastroc Stretch

Soleus Stretch

Quad Stretch

Groin stretch

Hamstring stretch

Hip flexor stretch

Hip flexor stretch with arm overhead (increased stretch)

Glut stretch

Piriformis (glut) stretch

Back extension Level 1

Back Extension Level 2

Back extension kneeling

Back flexion kneeling

Back flexion kneeling

Pec stretch

Any exercise holds an element of risk if undertaken without supervision. These exercises are recommendations only and are performed at your own risk. If you feel any discomfort or pain during exercise, stop immediately